Biotherapy - Bioenergy Healing tretment


Biotherapy or healing with bioenergy is a very successful method when dealing with most of chronic diseases, cancer treatments and inflammations of all sorts.  We also  have lots of patients that with acute injuries, after medical treatments, and biotherapy considerably shortens rehabilitation time, as it speed sup regeneration of tissue. Patients with “burn-out” syndrome, over…

Biotherapy Bio-energy Healing in Revive Temple Bled


BioTherapy, which is short for Bioenergy Therapy, which is healing with use of bioenergy.  The method of Bioenergy healing is very old (over 5000 years) and has been used in practically all continents, by all societies and nations.  What used to be limited knowledge to witch doctors or shamans among all tribes, is now days…

Natural Energy Stones

Remote Bioenergy Healing

We perform remote healing with Bioenergy Therapy method. We use biotherapy according to Zdenko Domancic method of Bioenergy Healing. It’s done with the help of the photograph. The patient is aware of therapy and is resting while therapy lasts.  Remote healing session normally lasts from 8-24min depends on the patient and severity of the medical…